Photo Competition 2024
The LNNM Annual Poster Competition is a great opportunity for colleagues to be creative and highlight a range of topics relating to homelessness and health.
Judging took place at our Annual Conference in June, and there were four fantastic entries to choose from.
See below to view and download the winning poster and entries. If you would like to use or reproduce any part of a poster, we’d ask that you please contact the authors.
Competition entries
WINNER: How does our garden grow? Using quality improvement we hear you say
North East London NHS Trust Psychology in Hostels Team & Providence Row Housing Association
Nurse led in-reach smoking cessation pilot programme for people experiencing homelessness
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
The Impact of a Specialist Outreach Service on the Chronic Hepatitis B Care Cascade in Inclusion Health Populations in London
ULCH Find and Treat Team
A case management approach for people experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust & North West London NHS Trusst