About us
About Us
The LNNM is a charity which works to support professionals working in inclusion health, to promote best practice and to develop inclusion health as a distinct, recognised speciality. The network has evolved from being a purely nurse, midwife and health visitor focused network to include allied health professionals, support workers peer advocates and students.
We hold a regular monthly network meeting where we catch up and discuss current issues in inclusion health provision. We also run regular events, usually with a focus on a clinical topic, and a yearly conference.
We maintain a website which is intended as a hub of information for members and other interested parties working in homelessness and we have a Facebook page, and tweet on issues relevant to homeless health. We also provide ad hoc informal support to members .
The group has achieved a increasing level of influence over the years, and currently sits on the Board of the London Homeless Health Programme. We have also recently fed into the development of NICE guidance and been involved in presenting evidence to government and in policy work with NHS England.
Many of our members have published on inclusion health, and hold key roles with influence in the sector.
You can see our most recent achievements and output summarised in our latest annual report.